How Often Do You Water a Mini Cactus?

In the desert Southwest, cacti are a common sight. People often grow them as houseplants, decorate with them in their yards, or put them in front of their pool.

However, few of us know that they can also be grown outdoors in a nursery. All you need is special soil, cactus cuttings, and something to water them.

Cactus plants are the best house plants that you can have. People tend to buy many cactus plants to decorate their homes.

They’re generally very convenient and don’t require you to put in a lot of effort. Cactus plants have different requirements as compared to regular plants. They don’t need as much water and can grow in hot climates.

There are also different cactus plants available from which you can choose. Depending on which one you got from the nursery, you can have prickly pear cactus plants, Christmas cactus plants, or nopal cactus plants.

With the pandemic in 2020, many people were forced to move inwards, and being outside with nature became more difficult. Thus, many people opted to buy mini cactus plants to keep them busy during the quarantine.

Mini cactus plants are all the rage now. These plants don’t take up too much space, and that’s why many college students buy and keep these plants in their rooms.

Even though the cactus plants are smaller than other plants, they require effort from your end. It would be best if you still watered your mini cactus.

In the article below, we’ll look at how often you must water your mini cactus so it can thrive.

Does a Small Cactus Need Special Care?

The most straightforward answer is these cactus plants need about as much care as a regular cactus.

They’re smaller in all aspects, so fewer resources are required to maintain. However, it’s also important to note that these cactus plants will require you to pay attention to them more often.

If you want to care for them properly, being attentive to them is how to proceed.

With these cactus plants, you can’t be as careless as you can with bigger ones. There’s less margin of error in these plants simply because they’re smaller and more delicate.

They don’t require any unique resources. For example, you don’t need to get a special fertilizer or soil for your cactus plant.

However, you must ensure the fertilizer is in the right amount. You have to be especially careful about what you can give to these plants. Taking care of mini cactus plants requires some precision.

How to Care for Small Cacti

We know that miniature cacti require a lot of care. Now, let’s look at how we can take care of these more miniature and mini cacti.

There are different cactus plants, and they all have similar basic requirements. So, you don’t have to worry about giving them anything special.

We have listed all the ways you can take care of  mini cactus plants below:

Sun Exposure and Light Requirements

Cactus plants are super picky in matters of light exposure. They need to get enough to grow correctly. You don’t want to worry about them getting less sun.

If you live somewhere colder and don’t get enough sun, place your cactus plant in an area where it can receive the maximum amount of light.

The most significant aspect is that you’ll have to ensure your plant doesn’t get any direct sunlight. They should get brighter light, just not any direct one.

You should also make sure you rotate your cactus now and then so there’s less of a chance of it getting burnt because of constant exposure to sunlight.

Light coverage is necessary for the cactus to grow. However, it shouldn’t get to the point that it gets burnt and can’t last for long in the sun.

Watering Requirements

Water is one of the major factors that enable cactus plants to stand out. Cactus plants generally only need a small amount of water.

With cactus plants, you only need to water them once a week. The watering frequency depends on the environment in which your cactus plant exists.

Mini cacti plants generally require much less water. You’ll also find no system to the amount of water you can give to the plant. You typically have to go by your intuition on how much water will be okay for your mini cactus.

With miniature cactus plants, watering will not be done as quickly as they have a smaller network of root systems that may take some time to flush in the water thoroughly.

The time you take between one watering and the next also has much to do with the size of the pot in which you keep your cactus plants.

It would help if you only watered your mini cactus plants when you feel like the soil has dried out. You can check if the soil is dry by inserting fingers into the ground and ensuring that it’s completely dry.

If you’re unsure how much water a mini cactus needs, you can wait to water the plant until you see that it’s drooping or wilting.

You have to let the soil properly drain with mini cactus plants before adding more water. Waiting for proper drainage means that the water will no longer settle at the base and kill out the root network present in your mini cactus.

Sometimes if the water settles at the base, you will also find that root rot occurs in the network of roots in the plants. As this happens, it can severely affect your cactus plant and prevent its growth.

Soil Requirements

Its actual indoor cactus plants don’t require much maintenance apart from watering. However, they will need you to make changes in the soil now and then. The kind of potting mix you opt for will help your cactus plants grow.

However, the wrong kind can stop it from growing. With cactus plants, you have to ensure that the potting mix gives you the right kind of drainage, as overwatering is how mini-plants tend to die.

Cactus plants tend to need dry, sandy soils that can drain well. They can also grow well in soil that’s porous.

For better drainage, the cactus soil mix should contain small peat particles and pumice rocks. You should also ensure that the cactus potting mix you choose is good for your cactus plant.

You should buy one which is made explicitly for smaller cactus plants.

Small Cactus Thorns vs. Adult Cactus Thorns

We also find that small cactus plants have different kinds of thorns. The spines or thorns of a small cactus plant are different from those of an adult cactus thorn in many ways.

Initially, we’ll assume the small cactus thorns are from a baby cactus plant. If that’s the case, then the thorns in this mini cactus plant are unlikely to be too harsh. These spines are called glochids and are a thickening protein over time. They are strong and rigid.

In the initial stages of a cactus plant, it’s doubtful that the spines will be that strong. If the cactus is still small, the protein hasn’t gotten enough time to develop strong spines. With small cactus thorns, the thorns may not be prickly at all.

Certain plants have feather-like thorns instead. This fact means that smaller cactus thorns will not affect you quite as much. However, it depends on the kind of species that you’re taking care of.

Sometimes, the more miniature cactus means that the cactus will have smaller dimensions even when it’s an adult. The plants from this cactus can have very prominent thorns which can dig into your skin.

One issue with more miniature cacti is that thorns tend to populate in disproportionate numbers due to less surface area. Even a slight brush with a cactus plant will result in many thorns lodging themselves into your skin.

However, with a giant plant, we will find that only one or two spines get stuck in your skin. More prominent spines also don’t come out of their holes so quickly, which means a brush of your fingers will be fine.

Regardless of the type of cactus, you have to be careful about cactus thorns.

How to Take Care of Small Cactus Plants Indoors

We have talked about the many ways that you can take care of your cactus plants. However, there are a few ways to further take care of them.

Temperature and Humidity

The cactus requires a certain level of humidity and temperature to grow. Cactus are desert plants which means they’re used to hot and dry conditions. Small and mini cactus plants don’t require any particular humidity level, but their range is 35-65%

Cactus plants also require warmer conditions, which means you need to maintain a higher temperature inside than what they’re used to.

You have to keep your home in the range of 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit. If this temperature doesn’t suit you, designate a room for these plants. They also cannot go below the temperatures of fifty degrees Fahrenheit.


You must know that most plants are small and take some time to grow. You might not always know when to give them the right amount of fertilizer with all of this.

However, you can stick to a schedule, so you feel like you’re on track. You can also provide them with fertilizer every two to seven weeks. You can use water-soluble fertilizer for your ease.

Small cactus plants are also sensitive to chemical-based fertilizers, which means you have to be careful. It’s best to use organic fertilizer instead. You shouldn’t give the plants too much fertilizer because it’s likely you’re going to burn the roots right off.


You also have to ensure that the pot fits your cacti. You don’t want something too big, and you don’t like something too small.

Cactus plants don’t need a lot of space to grow, and they’ll do better when they have room to breathe.

When picking a container or a planter, you must ensure that the cactus plant has enough space to grow.

However, you don’t want too big of a container so that it’s not intensive on your root network then. If you feel like your plant isn’t growing the way it should, it may be time to repot them in a container that fits its needs.

Water Indicator for Mini Cacti

One of the biggest problems for your cactus plants is that you won’t know when to water them. With mini cactus, it’s all the more difficult to know when to water your plant because of the less real estate.

In mini cactus plants, precision also matters a great deal. For all these reasons, it’s necessary to buy yourself a water indicator. You want to get something that helps you know when it’s the right time to water your plant.

Even if you don’t get yourself a water indicator, you can always check when it’s the right time to water your plants by checking if the soil is dry. If it is, you can water the plant. If it isn’t, you should avoid watering.

Final Thoughts

Mini cactus plants require you to take measures in different quantities. However, the steps you have to take are pretty much the same. Thus, when you’re buying a mini cactus, you should be aware of the kind of effort involved in maintaining one.

In conclusion, the mini cactus is popular home decoration and is easy to take care of. As long as it is placed in a comfortable, well-lit spot, it will stay strong and beautiful for years.

In summary, you should water your miniature cactus when the soil is dry to the touch. To keep your cactus from wilting and taking a long time to recover, pay attention to the weather.

When it is hot, the cactus will require watering more frequently, whereas in winter less frequent watering may be needed. If you can keep the soil lightly moistened, your miniature cactus will stay alive and healthy.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

How long do mini Cactus last?

Mini cacti are the smaller version of the normal cactus. These can last between four and eighteen years. The longest they can last is to be preserved as a household decoration.

Do Mini Cacti Grow?

The growth in the height of a cactus is not a very common occurrence. There are a few reasons for this.  First, the growing season for a cactus is very short.
This is because they are native to areas with fairly consistent temperatures year-round. Although they are usually found growing in deserts or areas near the tropics, this is because of their ability to adapt to their environment.
Second, most cacti are relatively dormant during the winter. Although they may ‘look’ like they are growing, the plant is actually just adding new leaves to replace those that have shriveled and died. These new leaves are usually shorter than the previous set.

Do Cactus like to be Crowded?

Mini Cactus are more likely to grow if they are planted in groups instead of being isolated. A cactus is a small plant that grows in dry climates with little water.

Mini cactus plants are great for placing in small areas of your home such as a kitchen windowsill or office desk. However, they need to be watered on a regular basis.

Are Mini Cactus Real?

Mini cacti are real and they are cacti that are grown small. Mini cacti are popular as small additions to flower arrangements and as home decor items.

Mini cacti come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Mini Cactus are real and they originate from Mexico. Mini cacti are not real and they are made by using a special cactus growing method.