How to Separate Cactus Pups?

Separate Cactus Pups

Cactus plants are quite common in the current climate. These plants are exceptionally popular with everyone right now as they are easy to maintain and can double as decorative plants. Many people use these plants to create an aesthetic sense and refresh their spaces. If you’re looking to grow your cactus collection, one of the …

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How To Take Care of a Fairy Castle Cactus?


Cacti are one of the easiest houseplants to take care of – especially if you lack a green thumb. They seem to be more forgiving than other types of houseplants. Because they come in various shapes and sizes, choosing one can be tricky, but this shouldn’t put you off as there are some marvelous ones …

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How to Fix Etiolated Succulents?

Fix Etiolated Succulents

Succulents are attractive and easy to care for. But, sometimes they suffer from a “scald burn”—caused by the drying effects of the sun. While succulents can generally grow back, they can become deformed if prolonged exposure to sun or heat damages the roots or leaves. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to fix etiolated …

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How To Care for Black Rose Succulent?

Black Rose Succulent

They may look a smidge prickly, but once you get up close, black rose succulents are actually pretty cute. Their name comes from the black, velvety covering on their leaves, but there are other plants with black leaves, too. Thanks to their uniqueness and resilience, black rose succulents are popping up in homes and offices …

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Can You Water Succulents/Cactus with Coffee?

water cactus with coffee

The grocery aisle is packed with bags of succulents and cactus mixes. Some are aimed at beginners, while others include cactus soil and other essentials. However, can you water the succulent mix? Can you water the cactus with coffee? Should you water succulent plants? Well, there is actually a simple answer to both questions. Yes, …

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How to Make a Succulent Terrarium – DIY

Succulent Terrarium

Do you love the look of succulents, but don’t love their higher maintenance and watering needs? You can still enjoy having succulents in your life, without all the fuss, by building a succulent terrarium. Succulent terrariums consist of soil, rocks, and a special type of succulents, all contained in a small glass or jar enclosure. …

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What Is a Succulent Death Bloom?

Succulent Death Bloom

Succulents are well-loved houseplants and for good reason. They’re low-maintenance, easy to grow, and come in beautiful colors, shapes, and sizes. They can even be grown in a small container on a sunny windowsill. But succulents aren’t just pretty; they’re also resilient plants that are able to survive in dry, arid conditions. The term death …

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