How to Get Rid of Mold on Succulents?

You may be surprised to know that treating succulents is a fairly simple process since they are easy to take care of, which is why many people prefer growing them indoors, offering them a chance to have a low-maintenance indoor garden.

However, your succulents can still develop issues, such as mold or fungus growth, causing you to become frustrated, especially since you now need to do some research to find out what treatment is most suitable for your particular plant species.

If you notice mold growth on your succulents, you need to take remedial action straight away because mold can quickly destroy your plants and ruin your indoor garden.

Before you can begin the treatment, you must first identify the fungus type you are dealing with since that will affect how you approach the process, especially since the wrong application of solutions can lead to disastrous results.

Let’s explore the types of fungi you will likely encounter on your succulents and discuss the treatment approach for each.

Powdery Mildew on Succulents

This type of fungus is easy to identify because of its features, such as superficial growth on leaves and stems, exhibiting strange symptoms by infecting your plant and covering it with a powdery white or gray appearance that makes it stand out.

If you’re somewhat inexperienced in detecting fungi types, you can check Google images for detailed pictures, allowing you to compare and contrast your succulent to get a fair idea about how to approach treatment.

Mold growth is an infection and spreads slowly at first, but when it starts to progress, it becomes yellow-brown and then black, resulting in the plant withering away.

You may notice that your succulent starts to twist, and its leaves begin to distort, causing it to wilt and die.

If your succulent is fairly healthy and the powdery mildew growth is mild, you can expect the plant to recover by itself and need no treatment.

However, if you notice that the infection is spreading or don’t want to take any chances, you may choose to use copper as an effective fungicide, which you can buy in a plant mister bottle, allowing you to spray a little bit directly on the mildew.

You may wish to follow the proper instructions for using this fungicide, preventing you from spraying too much since that can spike the copper concentration in the soil, quickly turning toxic for your succulent.

Another easy remedy is to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a tiny bit of non-detergent soap and add 3.5 liters of water to dilute it, applying the mixture to the mildew growth, which will fix the problem pretty soon.

However, you should avoid trying this method during the daytime since baking soda can result in sunburn.

You might want to treat a leave or two before trying the second method on the entire succulent, ensuring that it is effective and does not cause the plant to wither away, which is unlikely.

Sooty Mold or Black Mold

This fungi type is the least effective when it comes to harming your succulents, meaning that your plant will likely recover by itself.

Sooty mold indicates that your succulent has become prey to sap-sucking pests, leaving behind dark colors on the leaves and stems, indicating the presence of black mold, which is typically seen on the leaves.

The treatment process involves using neem oil and applying it directly onto the black mold during evening hours, ensuring that the fungus doesn’t spread and breaks down quickly, making it possible for your succulent to recover from a drastic infection.

Although the presence of black mold may be worrying to inexperienced plant owners, it is worth remembering that it is the least deadly type of fungus.

However, you should always begin treatment as soon as you notice any fungus growth since it is better not to take any chances that could jeopardize your plant’s health.

Many plant owners become attached to their plants, which is why the answer is not as simple as replacing your succulents.

Grey Mold

Grey mold is particularly easy to identify on your succulents because it has a characteristic gray-brown appearance, spreading quickly on your plant’s leaves and stems, resembling fuzzy spots that spread rapidly as the mold growth progresses.

You can expect this fungus to be commonly found in wet and humid conditions, especially if your succulent is away from the sun and not exposed to proper ventilation, creating favorable conditions for grey mold growth, which is typically noticed in spring and summer.

The treatment plan may surprise you and involves using dishwashing soap as the best remedy, which can fix the infection and allow your succulent to recover.

However, you should ensure that the cleaning solution does not have any bleach, which can be destructive for the succulent, removing the mold but also causing the plant to die.

If the grey mold spreads to become a serious infection, you might need to cut off portions of your succulent, meaning you can prevent the infection from spreading by cutting off the leaves.

You need to be careful with your watering method as well since the mold may grow faster if you get it wet, which is why you should target the roots instead.

Leaf Spots

Leaf spots are another type of fungus that is fairly harmless but can infect your succulents and spread quickly, causing the fungus to settle on the leaves, which can be pretty annoying because it changes the leaves color, resulting in a blotchy appearance that will likely ruin your succulent.

If you’re looking for an effective treatment for leaf spots, you can simply use an all-purpose fungicide or use the same solution you used for other types of fungi, which is a mixture of baking soda and water. 

Best Ways to Remove Mold from Succulents

Mold growth on plants can be pretty annoying, and you can expect to find several types of fungi growing on your succulents, which is why it helps to know all the ways that work, especially if you do not wish to use an all-purpose fungicide.

Natural remedies can be effective in treating mold growth, and they may be your best course of action if you want to ensure your plant remains healthy, especially since fungicides aren’t completely harmless.

Let’s explore some home remedies that protect your plant from fungi growth.

Neem Oil is one of the most effective natural substances that can remove fungi from your succulent, making it especially useful in targeting white mold and keeping other insects and pests away.

Oftentimes, mold growth is noticed after succulents become infested by pests, which is why it helps to use neem oil sparingly since that could prevent mold from forming in the first place.

The best ratio for creating a neem oil solution is to mix 2 teaspoons of it with half a gallon of water, adding it to a spray so you can apply it generously, ensuring your succulent stays protected and fights off the mold infection quickly.

Mouthwash is another remedy for fighting off mold growth, which may not be surprising since it is alkaline and can prevent growth and fight off infections.

You can mix mouthwash with 75% water to create the perfect balance, ensuring that the solution is not too concentrated, which could have a detrimental effect on your succulents.

However, you should use this method sparingly since too much exposure to mouthwash can burn leaves and hinder plant growth.

Vinegar is also a natural remedy that can hinder mold growth, making it a highly effective treatment because it is safe and can easily remove mold spots from your succulent leaves.

You can mix it with water by using two tablespoons and combining it with a liter of water, spraying it onto the leaves, and repeating the process until the mold disappears completely.

Preventive Care is the best strategy because it is to be expected that your succulents may develop mold growth, which is fairly obvious to plant owners, especially if they’ve been caring for plants for a while.

Organic fungicides can offer preventive care, and you can create a mixture of baking soda and water and apply it to your plants.

Final Verdict

Many types of fungi exist, and you may need to look up the ideal treatment for each type, making it possible for you to destroy the mold and prevent it from spreading further, ensuring your succulent grows well.

Mold growth can be deadly for your succulents, which is why it makes sense to prioritize preventive care since that is the best way you can keep your succulents alive.

Natural remedies are the best solution to your mold problems, making them worth considering if you are serious about keeping your plants safe.

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