What is a Crested Succulent?

What is Cresting?

Cresting is a mutation process that occurs during the period of plant growth. The plant compresses and turns into a broad flat surface instead of growing more stems or branches.

The leaves of a crested plant grow in compact colonies close to each other and give a systematic look to the plant.

What Are Succulents?

Succulents are unique plants that are found on the grounds of Earth. Succulents grow out in fantastic shapes and have different and unique color themes, which are rare in other plants.

Some succulents are natural, while some are grown under an artificial cultivation environment to give them more sustainability and speed up their growth.

Every succulent present on this planet has a fleshy green stem loaded with abundant water to sustain harsh and arid weather conditions.

The leaves of succulents have a shiny exterior and thick veins, which also helps in locking the moisture to reduce water loss.

What is a Crested Succulent?

There is a distinctive genus of succulents that are considered to be very rare in nature. The genus is termed Crested or Montrose.

When a succulent undergoes alterations in its cells and other parts, the juicy appears to become Crested or Montrose.

These modifications occur when the mother plant experiences some changes in its maturation process.

The changes occur at the growth points of the succulent, also called meristems. From one growth point, multiple nodes emerge from which leaves are produced, creating an overcrowded network.

As the leaves grow in number, the size of the succulents expands significantly, thus acquiring a large space area as time passes.

The mutations on a crested succulent only occur at two or three growth points at the apical meristem region.

From those points, new cells are produced and thrust the older cells of the plant at the outer part to create a uniform and well-proportioned pattern of vastly aligned structures.

Therefore, congruous and well-designed anatomy forms due to the mutation.

In some situations, the mutations occur in the early stages of plant growth. Since the plant is underdeveloped, there are no signs of leaves or flowers.

But as the succulent matures, proper development of the plant’s reproductive parts takes place, leading to the growth of flowers and leaves pattern.

Crested succulents have stems growing out of the mother plant repeatedly, which makes them easier to identify among other types of succulents.

Habitats of Crested Succulents

Montrose Succulents grow in desert regions with dry, hot, and arid climates on almost all days of the year.

They are found abundantly in the continent of Africa, and their species are widely spread in regions of Central America and the European Alps.

Common species of crested succulents can be found in low-lying areas where greener parts induce the natural growth of such typical succulents.

Causes of the Modifications in Crested Succulents

The mutations that occur in Montrose Succulents are pretty unpredictable, and there is no specific time when they will happen.

Botanists worldwide are still searching for the causes and sources due to which these alterations are triggered, and since these modifications can occur at any time, they have created a frenzy among nature professionals and experienced gardeners.

Most studies and research on crested succulents are incomplete since the process of metamorphosis doesn’t have a fixed life cycle leading to the inability to create a permanent report of their facts.

However, some home-based gardeners and lab botanists have speculated about the triggers that set up the mutation process in succulents.

Chemical Shocks

Outdoors plants are often sprayed with fertilizers and pesticides to boost their growth and protect them from plant-eating insects and bacteria.

Some ingredients used in these products prove to be beneficial for plant growth.

However, some underlying chemicals may produce an adverse effect causing the plant cells to alter their arrangement leading to a discrepancy.

This discrepancy enables the conversion of a regular succulent into a crested succulent.

Physical Stress on the Body

An imbalance in the plant’s growth structure might trigger the mutation process in succulents. This imbalance refers to any physical stress the succulent undergoes.

Examples of physical stressors might be fluctuating weather conditions, carelessness in watering the succulent, pest attack, or trimming or cutting the plant.


Sunlight is not always beneficial. The sun’s rays are of different wavelengths and intensity levels; some are healthy, and some are hazardous.

Not every ray of sunlight tends to be effective for the growth of succulents.

Some rays can trigger the internal system of the plant setting up the mutation process, causing the plant cells to rearrange themselves and turn into a crested succulent.


In any living body, modifications occur due to changes in its DNA composition. The same is the case with succulents.

These fleshy plants often undergo genetic variations that produce new sets of changes which the succulent acquire and turn into a crested succulent.

Often these genetic modifications happen suddenly, causing the succulent to rapidly transition to adjust to its new variation and become crested.

Deadly Infections

The succulent mutation process is also initiated when an infection attacks the succulent.

The condition can be viral, bacterial, or fungal, which can cause the internal system of the plant to get disturbed.

This disturbance causes the succulent to undergo modifications and become crested.

Phytoplasma is a pathogen that has been considered to be the most prominent agent for causing cresting in succulent species.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Like all plants, succulents also need essential minerals and nutrients for proper and healthy growth.

Failure to fulfill the requirements of any one of the nutrients may cause cells to modify their arrangement, causing mutations.

An example of a vital nutrient is zinc, whose shortage might cause succulents to turn crested.

Misconceptions About Crested Succulents

Montrose Succulents have been on this planet for quite a while. While they have been considered exotic ornamental plants, certain misconceptions have been made about these plants.

  • People in ancient times believed crested succulents protect families and homes from unfortunate deaths and bad luck. Sempervivum Tectorum is a succulent that has been popular for removing bad omens from houses and people’s lives. Crested succulents are still hanged on the rooftops of ancient dwellings in southwest parts of Wales.
  • Due to their unique shapes and colors, crested succulents are believed to be lucky charms if present in any home. Jade succulent took credit for bringing good luck and wealth to Asian society. With their bright green leaves and beautiful flowers, crested succulents are supposed to gift prosperity and growth to achieve new and more promising things in life.
  • Monks and faithful believers trusted crested succulents to protect people from the evil eye, bad omen, and black magic. Therefore, almost every house back in old times used to have a crested succulent in their gardens or homes. Houseleek is a Montrose succulent believed to ensure a family’s safety from evil and bad things.

Importance of Having Crested Succulents in Your Home or Workplace

Indoor plants have been quite successful in terms of their versatile features, environmental friendliness, and the fact that they keep your house fresh and healthier with pure oxygen.

Crested succulents have recently gained the trend of being a perfect addition to interior décor.

They are considered valuable to be placed in homes and workplaces and tend to benefit the surroundings and the people working or living in them.

Air Cleansing Inside Your Home/Workplace

Most of us have learned in simple biology that plants are a source of fresh oxygen which they emit during the day and consume carbon dioxide to purify the air.

Keeping plants indoors will provide a great source of continuous oxygen. However, when it comes to crested succulents serve multipurpose functions when it comes to the air purification system.

Not only do crested succulents provide continuous fresh oxygen, but they also clarify all the toxins and air pathogens along with the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air.

VOCs are eliminated as a result of burning fuel. Congested cities have high VOCs in the air due to automobile and industrial air pollution.

Keeping crested succulents in your workplace or home can capture all the harmful VOCs in the air keeping people safe from developing breathing or lung problems.

Improving the Humidity Levels

People living close to the seaside often face intense situations of suffocation inside their houses. This feeling of airlessness is mainly due to the increased humidity levels in the environment.

For an airy and fresh-smelling place, it is advised to keep small pots of crested succulents in your home or the business you work at.

Crested Succulents balance the humidity levels and protect your furniture, walls, and paintings from getting deteriorated from being musty and wet.

By enhancing the air quality, crested succulents also protect you from common health problems such as cold, sore throat, coughs, and eczema.

Enhanced Memory and Focus

An added touch of greenery to your home can bring a lot of benefits.

Some plants, including crested succulents, are considered to be the sources of benefiting your mind and thinking process.

Studies and research show and prove that having crested succulents in your home or workplace can increase the levels of glucocorticoids, also known as the memory hormone.

The increased levels of this hormone enhance brain functioning and stimulate better learning and retention.

Keeping crested succulents also improves an individual’s overall focus on a particular task, and the job is completed much faster than in a place with no plants.

Health-Giving Pharmaceutical Benefits

Many plants have been discovered to have exceptional features to be used for medicinal purposes.

After conducting continuous lab tests and running analyses, crested succulents have been in the limelight for providing remarkable health benefits.

They can be used to treat problems such as cuts, burns, stomach aches, diarrhea, and digestive tract inflammation.

The gel, secreted from crested succulents, is also used as moisturizing lotions and is an active ingredient in face brightening creams.

Crested Succulents are also used in easing joint pain and arthritis.

Mouthwatering Edibles

Many plants are safe to eat and make a tasty snack or a healthy drink.

Crested Succulents also serve the same function as some of their species can be utilized at eatables to give your taste buds a new sensation.

Edible succulents are rich in healthy minerals and nutrients such as proteins, iron, iodine, and calcium, giving your body a more nutritional boost and better functioning.

Professional nutritionists also recommend edible succulents as they are diet-friendly and work best for people with low fiber levels and those struggling with increased weight.

End Note

Plants are a gift from Mother Nature to make our lives a healthier living experience.

Crested Succulents have been a worldwide sensation due to their unique designs and vibrant colors and the fact that they are not just any ordinary ornamental plants but possess some great benefits making them sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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