How Long Can Succulent Cuttings Survive?

If you’ve ever admired the succulent plants in your favorite garden center or florist shop, you may have wanted to bring one home with you.

Or maybe you’ve already grown some succulents and want to try growing more of them.

Either way, there’s a good chance that the succulent cuttings will sell very well at your next yard sale or craft fair.

Succulent cuttings are a great way to get started with this type of plant because they last for months without needing much care—they’re also relatively easy to grow from a cutting taken from an existing plant.

We’ll explain how each step works so that even beginners can have success growing these beautiful plants.

If The Leaves Are Healthy And Dry, They Can Last For Months.

If the leaves are healthy and dry, they can last for months. In fact, you can expect them to last for years if the leaves are dry. To keep your cuttings from rotting or losing moisture:

  • Place your succulent cuttings in an airtight container with a few grains of sand or pebbles in the bottom of it (just enough so that it doesn’t sit directly on top of whatever surface you place it on).
  • Place this container in a location where it will receive indirect sunlight but not complete sun exposure (if possible). The ideal environment temperature would be between 60°F-80°F (15°C-25°C), but any temperature above freezing should do fine as long as there is sufficient humidity in your air. It’s important to remember that succulents prefer higher humidity levels than many other plants, so don’t worry if they start wilting slightly when you first bring them home from their new home outdoors during the winter months. Just move them closer together and make sure there isn’t too much direct sunlight shining down onto those leaves either – because this could cause damage over time.

You Can Use The Same Principles To Keep Them Healthy Longer.

Luckily, you can use the same principles to keep them healthy longer. First of all, make sure your succulents are in a warm, dry place (but not too warm).

That’s generally considered the best environment for growing most indoor plants.

Keep them away from direct sunlight and drafts (like window sills), so they don’t dry out too much.

If you have pets or kids who like to touch everything in sight, keep your little cactus babies out of reach.

If your cuttings have some leaves on them already but still look pretty sad overall, try giving them more light by placing them near a window during the day and keeping them away at night when it gets dark outside—you might see an improvement in their health this way.

Remove Dead Leaves.

Dead leaves can be removed. They’re part of the plant, but they’re no longer useful.

In fact, they can rot and cause disease, which is why it’s important to remove them before they do that.

But you don’t want to do so right away or even soon after you’ve planted the cutting—you want it to develop its own roots first.

Once your succulent has grown a few inches tall and has started producing new leaves and stems on its own without any help from you (that’s when you know it has established itself as an independent plant), then feel free to snip off any dead parts of the stem with a pair of scissors or garden shears.

You may also want to trim off excess growth at this time if it looks like your new friend needs some pruning in order for them to not get too big for their britches—or what their pants-equivalent might be if they wear pants instead of dresses or robes (which seems unlikely).

If A Leaf Breaks Off, You Can Use It As A Cutting.

If a leaf breaks off, you can use it as a cutting. You can do this in one of three ways:

  • You can put the leaf directly into the soil and see if it survives. If it does, congratulations. You now have another plant to add to your collection. If not…
  • You can remove the base of the leaf (where it’s attached) and place that directly into dirt or water for about three months until roots appear. Then replant that new root system into another pot with different soil and—voila.—a brand new plant.
  • Or, once again, take off just enough at the base so that you’re left with a stem without any leaves on separate ends of that stem. Place those two ends in dirt or water until they begin growing roots (three months). Once those roots grow long enough for you to hold onto comfortably and replant them elsewhere (again using different soil), then go ahead and do so.

Succulents Like Cacti Are Pretty Easy To Grow Once They Have Taken Root.

Succulents are pretty easy to grow once they have taken root.

They’re also very easy to care for and propagate; it’s possible to replicate your succulent collection with just a few cuttings and some water.

The best part is that, if you do it right, succulents don’t need much attention at all.

It’s important to keep your cuttings in an area with low humidity (below 60%) and plenty of light—a sunny window works well.

Water them only when the soil has dried out completely; overwatering can cause rot or mold issues, while underwatering will kill off your plant entirely.

They tend to Do Well in Dish Gardens with Other Types of Succulents.

Because they’re so easy to grow, succulents make great additions to dish gardens, terrariums, hanging baskets, and window boxes.

They can also be planted on their own as décor items or kept in pots on the patio.

If you’re new to gardening with succulents and would like some tips on how best to care for them—or if you just want some ideas for what kinds of plants might look good next to each other—here are a few suggestions:

  • Think about the colors of your house when deciding where to place it. You don’t want your green plant sticking out like a sore thumb against all those neutral walls.
  • Consider whether or not there’s enough sun exposure at that spot in your yard or garden. If there isn’t much light getting through then, this will affect how well your plant does over time. Also, consider whether or not it’ll get enough water since many succulents require lots of moisture (but not standing water).

Succulent Cuttings Are Great Because They Provide Versatility And Longevity.

Do you know what’s great about succulents? They’re so easy to grow.

Their low maintenance requirements and ability to handle low light make them ideal for the new gardener or those who don’t have a ton of space for their gardens.

Planting cuttings is also a fantastic way to expand your collection without having to buy new plants every time you want something different in your garden: they’re inexpensive (especially when you get a discount), fun, and easy.

You’ll notice that some people say that succulent cuttings are best when used right away, while others recommend waiting until after the first spring frost has passed before planting them outdoors.

It all comes down to personal preference—you might prefer one method over another depending on how much time and effort you’re willing to put into caring for them during their first few months outside.

Our Final Thoughts

Succulent cuttings are great because they provide versatility and longevity.

They’re a wonderful way to add a little life into your home, and you don’t have to worry about them dying on you.

Just make sure to give them plenty of sunlight and water every once in a while—and remember that their soil must be completely dry before watering again.

It may take some time for your new baby succulents to grow large enough for transplanting into larger pots or outdoor areas, but once they reach maturity, it will be worth all the effort.

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